Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start.
In Nintendo, 30 extra lives would have magically appeared on my next screen.
30 new lives.
30 re-starts.
In real life however, our closest restarts would be the brand new day that welcomes us every morning. And come tomorrow morning, I too will restart a new ‘game’ at a new department.
New beginnings are not always scary. But they often encompass unknown changes.
And changes are uncomfortable.
Changes are unnerving.
Changes are intimidating.
I may sound dramatic. Exaggerating even. After all, we do get posted around pretty often so it's hardly anything new. But still, it’s hard to remain stoic in the face of such a change, especially when this change will bring me away from the familiar circle of comrades that I have grown with since the beginning of my time.
With the coming posting, the current working culture so deeply embedded into my life must now be re-adjusted. Embarking onto this new phase will mean stepping into a totally different environment, with new roles and responsibilities, with unfamiliar faces and working systems. The change is vast and I am apprehensive, hesitant and nervous to say the least.
As I join a new team of colleagues, I will miss the comforting presence of the comrades that I have grown along with throughout all these years.
I will miss the boisterous atmospheres, the bawdy jokes and jibes exchanged, the constant chattering and bantering going on everyday.
I will miss the informal environments that I have gotten so used to. The many offices that I had been previously posted too were each different but similar in its own way. What they differed in, they made up with in similarities of offices filled everyday with noise and never a dull moment.
I will not miss the never-ending man hours we had to put in to do our job. But I will sorely miss the camaraderie and unity forged during those difficult times. Whether we were dealing with problematic ‘customer’s or achieving our KPIs, those days and nights were long and tough.
In place of these wistful memories, I welcome regularity, which will translate to better time with the kids, and a job scope that I had been initially interested in eons of years ago.
I may only be shifting to another wing in the building, but it certainly feels like I am moving galaxies away to another planet.
And so, although I will miss the many little things that I once took for granted, I must steel myself to face the many changes seemingly ahead, and move onwards in my journey.
Change is inevitable.
Change is coming.
In fact, change is tomorrow.
Re-starting in progress.
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
(deep breath)