14th February - a day to celebrate love.
I see couples with bouquets of flowers walking down the street. I attended a wedding - a joyous occasion of two individuals who have decided to start a life together. I know of some who were born on this day and also heard with a heavy heart, separate news of two individuals who had their lives cut short.
As I reflect on the turn of events within this day, I am reminded once again that Death doesn't wait for an 'appropriate' moment to strike.
It doesn't not strike because it is a day of celebration for love and cny festivities. And it certainly doesn't postphone its plans because it is a day of someone's birth or wedding.
Death doesn't need a reason or an excuse. It strikes just because.
We have no way of predicting when that day will come, only knowing that when it eventually does, it will cut deeply, thoroughly and painfully, brutally snuffing out whatever light the person once had in their life. Life, with all its beauty, sweetness and joys, comes along with an unstamped expiry date.
But often, because of not knowing when that day will come, we begin to slowly forget about the existence of it and gradually take the people around us for granted. Such is the habit of many including myself. Seldom cherishing what we have in abundance, only holding precious those we have scarce.
It is only when the 'expiry date' gets stamped, and the knowledge that time is now limited, that we start to clamber and grasp for whatever remaining time that is left.
Do we need to have that 'expiry date' marked and unveiled, in order to start cherishing the lives of those that we love around us? I'm sure the answer is a definate no.
But cherishing, loving and appreciating the ones who matter with the time we have now and not until time is left little and precious, is something that is easily said but not done. I have personally experienced the devastating moment when my Dad died. I understand time and its limits, but yet take my loved ones for granted on many occasions without meaning to.
As the day winds down to an end, so does Valentine's day with all its lovey dovey theme of roses and hearts. For some, it signifies the end of an occasion for love. Personally, it is a reminder that the celebrating of love, giving of flowers and presents, and showing of appreciation, shouldn't be hinged on just one day. Love, together with life, should be celebrated every single day. We cannot control when or how that day will come, but we can control how we treat the ones that we love until that very day.
Because the people that we love matter to us everyday.
Because we never know how much time each of us may have left with each other.Because today might be the last.
Because love doesn't need an appropriate day.
Because love doesn't need a reason or an excuse.
We love just because.
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