Wednesday 2 January 2019

2019. To School and Back, again.

2019 descended so stealthily upon me that I never felt it coming. It was as if a surprise to wake up that Tuesday morning, to find that 2018 had quietly melted away overnight and in its place,  stood a brand new 2019, with everything in the calendar on repeat mode. 
(Please, excuse my blasé-ness.)

A new year signifies new hopes and dreams. New opportunities to fulfil new aspirations, (or the ones that we had procrastinated to, the year before). It also signified the start of a new cycle in life, and at work and school.

To mark the first day of school for the kiddos, we had applied for leave so that we could pick them up after school for a special ‘Back to School’ lunch.

Standing within the crowds of parents, you could easily tell those with P1-going children, the ones poised at the most strategic spots (that looked on to the walkway), with the anxious smiles and craned necks, and eyes peering as far as they could see; apart from the orang lama ones seated on the benches looking as cool as cucumbers (or hot as potatoes judging from the searing heat this afternoon).

Outside the school gates, a long line of cars stood waiting to pick their little ones up from school. Several buses honked in irritation as they took the outer lane, having to bypass the line of obstruction, to get to their next stop. 

Despite the seemingly slight chaos, the scene was an orderly one with the parents clustering around the school entrance, some politely chattering, while others were quietly murmuring about while waiting. 

The school bell rang and shortly after, the first children made their appearance. As they passed by me, I caught sight of the faces on these parents, a mixture relief and pride for their child having survived the first day at school.
Snatches of parent-child conversations drifted by :
“What did you have for recess?”
“How was your class teacher?”
“What did you do in school today?”
“Wow, that sounds wonderful!”
“Do you like your new school?”

I looked on as parent after child filed out from the school gates, smiles abound, and saw in revelation, beyond the loving smiles and tender concern, the faces of these parents on their first day of school. 

To parents and especially to those with P1 children, Welcome to the club.

May 2019 be a fulfilling and enriching year ahead, for us and our young ones. 

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