Sunday 26 February 2023

The Girl in Red Hood

“The basket is ready.” Momma called out to her. 

“Go bring it to Grandma, she’ll be so happy I’m sure.

“It’s cold outside now, so don’t catch a cold. 

Wear a hoodie and warm clothes, please do as you’re told.”

So she put on her cloak; her favourite red one. 

And as she picked up the basket, out fell some crumbs. 

She peered into the basket, there were scones with jam,

Warm buttery bread, with cheese and ham. 

Strawberry shortcakes and fruit tartlets,

And a big round cake covered with chocolate. 

All yummy things that she knew she would share 

With Grandma later, once she got there. 

So she pulled on her hood and out she tread

Into the woods, the little girl in red. 

She skipped along streams, and crossed a field,

Where wild flowers grew and she picked a few. 

She gathered a bunch of pink, white, and blues, 

And a tuft of dandelion, which into the wind she blew. 

She watched as they flew dancing in the air.

Laughingly, she tucked a flower in her hair. 

She did not notice a wolf stalking her,

Stealthily, quietly, with its shaggy brown fur. 

‘This girl looks tasty. But she’ll be too quick for me. 

I’ll need to wait for a good opportunity.’

He thought for a moment and then called out to her,

“Hello Little One, I see you’re new here!

I haven’t seen you around here before,

Are you on your way to complete some chores?”

“Hello Mr Wolf, I’m visiting my grandma. 

She lives alone in the cottage not far.

Right up ahead, just beyond the hills,

The cottage with the patch of daffodils.”

“Oh Little One, I just came from there 

And it seems that you are unaware.

The path up ahead has been blocked with boulders,

You must make a detour and walk a little further.”

So the girl in red hood, off she went. 

She will take longer to reach Grandma’s,  which was the wolf’s plan.  

The cunning wolf ran straight to Grandma’s hut. 

He wanted to catch her and eat her up. 

But when he reached there, Grandma wasn’t in the house. 

He searched high and low, but she couldn’t be found. 

So he wore her pyjamas and lay in her bed,

Pretending he was actually Grandma instead. 

As soon as he lay down, the girl had arrived,

And she looked at ‘Grandma’ with her face of surprise. 

“Grandma!” She exclaimed, “What big eyes you have!”

“All the better to see you with, my dear, don’t be daft.”

“What big ears you have, so long and so pointy!”

“All the better to hear you with!” The wolf said shakily. 

“And look at your mouth, how big they are!”

“All the better to eat with! And now you, I will devour!” 

And the wolf lunged at her. Jumped out of the bed. 

But he could go no further, someone hit him on his head!

And there stood Grandma with her frying pan. 

She had seen the wolf earlier and devised a plan.

Hiding in the closet in the back of her room,

Biding for the right moment to make her move. 

The minute the wolf pounced onto the girl,

Grandma rushed out, her fury unfurled. 

“How dare you try to eat my granddaughter!

I’ll make you pay for wanting to eat her!”

She bonked the wolf hard, right on his head

With her trusty frying pan, she was not afraid. 

The wolf howled in pain, and shrieked a scream.

He fled away fast, with his tail tucked between. 

And that’s the end we see of him. 

The End. 


Grandma and little girl had a grand day ahead. 

They laid the food out and had a picnic in bed. 

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