Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Dream Bedroom

Backdate 7th July 2013

The kiddos bed that we ordered 2 days ago arrived yesterday.  (Ikea can be so efficient sometimes.) And yesterday, we spent a blissful night with the kids on their new bed in their 'new' room. So far, we're getting  mixed responses from the kids.What  we get from Sean is excitement, excitement,  excitement,  and gleeful delight. He climbed up the ladder slightly awkward at first, but I'm sure with daily practise, he'll be climbing up to his bed like a monkey in no time. Once he climbed onto his new but empty bed, he immediately he started down to  grab all his sleeping accessories, (smelly bolster is a definate MUST) and began arranging them neatly on his upper bunk. We were so relieved to see this. At least half the battle was won.

We met with much more resistance from Lauren on the other hand. She was much more hesitant and reluctant to try the bed. After much 'forced' persuasion from Daddy (I was crashing out as I had worked the night before,) she managed to spend her first afternoon nap there yesterday. And now, after 45mins, I'm still trying to get her to close her big eyes for the second nap.

Although it seemed that the bed was ordered in such a haphazard sudden rush, hubby and I had previously dropped by Ikea and looked longingly at the bed many, many times. The bed caught our eyes firstly because Ikea displayed it so prettily. But most importantly, I zeroed in on the bed because the upper bunk was low. So low that it was enough for a shortie like me to be able to monitor Sean with ease (ie: no need to tip toe or climb up the ladder to spy whether he's secretly digging his nose etc). The pushing factor for us to decide to sign the purchase was because the bed was on SALE. (I repeat again from my previous post, which woman can resist that 4-letter word??)

And so, plus mattresses and delivery charges, $600 flew out from our pockets just like that. We felt that this amount, though not stupendous, wasn't a small sum either. But we thought it to be an investment of sorts. Topmost on the list, was for a better sleeping experience for our kids. I did not think that a foldable mattress had sufficient support for their growing backs and bones. And the fact that they were growing bigger and older by the days, our room was starting to get uncomfortably squeezy. I was anxious for them to move out of our room asap.

The gambling factor was that if the kids did not like it and not want to sleep on it, we would have a white elephant in the house and a waste of money. We talked through the several  scenarios that might happen, and the possibility that they might not want to leave our room like magnets. But after having invested so much, we told ourselves that we HAD to make it work. There would be no room for failure. We would work hand in hand for our dream to become a reality.

I believe that in the next few weeks, we would busy ourselves in doing up the room. There is still so much more I want to do for them to make the room as cosy and as conducive as possible. I'll need nightlights,  luminous stickers, set up a proper study and writing space and so many more.I'm excited and so are they.

Hopefully we'll get closer to our joint ideal room soon.

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