Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Trip to the 'Ly-Bear-Ry'

Backdate 28th July 2013

Lovely Sunday
♥ A Trip to the Library ♥

With kor kor spending a sleepover with the cousins and papa on a cycling trip, I thought I'd spend some quality time with my baby girl by bringing her to the library.

We took a short bus ride and had a quick breakfast refuel at 'Old Town'. She extra-dipped every bite of her French toast with kaya (oh, such a 'sweet' girl), and I spent the time in between her bites trying to correct her 'ly-bear-ry' to 'library' without much success. After my coffee was drunk, I gave up and we headed for the 'ly-bear-ry'. 

The same girl who had told me that we 'must keep quiet' upon entering the library, was in no time running around randomly pulling out books to browse. Within awhile, she had selected quite a few and we had accumulated a rather tall pile of books on the table. (My apologies to the people who had to shelve the books back later.) I tried to read to her the ones I thought she would enjoy, but somehow, maybe my choices were wrong as she wasn't interested enough to stay until I finished one book. In the end, she chose a big Thomas picture book and we settled down on that for awhile. 

Since I needed to get her back for her shower/lunch/nap routine, we couldn't dally as long as I'd have liked. I quickly picked a few Dr Seuss books for kor kor and before we left, I showed her how to checkout and return the books, teaching her that these books weren't ours to keep. There was to be no colouring or scribbling on these books because we had to return them to the library after we were finished reading. She seemed to have understood, but I wouldn't take chances. In meantime I would need to monitor those itchy hands closely. 

We were lucky we didn't have to wait too long for our bus to arrive. On the way home, I showed her how to press the bell when we were about to reach our stop so that the bus could stop for us. I guess as all kids do, she asked to press the bell another time but I said no, and explained briefly why we couldn't.

Time passed so fast during enjoyable times. I really enjoyed our mother-daughter bonding time today and in the process, having the opportunity to give her a very brief but interesting life's lesson. Hopefully she enjoyed the day as much as I did.

I am glad to have painted some nice and meaningful pictures on my little 'paper' today. Although it is only her second trip to the library, I hope that with time, I'd be able to nurture her love for reading like I did when I was young. 

Till the next time, Ly-bear-ry. :)

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