Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Poem To Sean

Backdate 2010

Here's something I wrote to S about 3 years back.

To Sean,

I hold your little hand in mine, in time this hand will grow.
From abc's and 123's, to words and sentences that flow.
Your little steps one at a time I guide you as we go,
To skips and jumps you run about, your character I mould.
As time pass by, this hand will grow bigger than Mommy's hand.
Will you be always willing to hold my hand then?
When I grow old, white hairs will sprout all over my head.
And as I slur in old age speak, will you be patient instead?
Arthritis may catch me and as I hobble slowly down the road,
Will you guide me and gently hold my hand and walk with me back home?  

From, Mommy. Dated 14 April 2010

I guess it encompasses all the usual hopes that a parent would want from their kids.
Love, filial piety, and the life expectancy to be able to see our child grow up, from a little helpless baby into an independent and successful adult.
Unfortunately, that would also mean that old age and all sorts of diseases and illnesses that come along with it would creep up on all of us.
There wouldn't be a best time for everything - when we are young and healthy, they are helpless and small.. then when they grow up into sucessful independant beings, we would be old and fragile.
But there would be good times along the way, beautiful and fun moments. It is how we choose to view life and from there, forge out the journey that will be unique to each of us.

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